Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Essays 2-03b: My comfortable university life
First, I am majoring in English, so I have many good times for study English. For example, I have language classes like writing, speaking, reading and listening. My favorite class is speaking class because it is so exiting. The teacher talks to us very friendly and kind. We always play some games. I can try to speak English well at this class. Sometimes, we listen to foreign songs. I have good time. Also, I study foreign history and culture on the other classes. They are so interesting. Now, I learn about introduction to literatures. Every thing I heard and saw was new fresh. I’m really exited new things. Of course, there are many kinds of classes in the others and I like them too. I want to study more and I want to be a person who has a lot of knowledge.
Second, I challenge many things. For example, I try to TOEIC, TOEFL, computer proficiency testing and so on. I think that to try these are so good things. I can know my skill and what kinds of abilities are not enough. When I understand my poor ability, I can try to get better. Now my effort is not enough so I can’t get high score. I have to study more and I want to get self-confidence of English. I think that I study English everyday is good way. If there is little time, I have time for study English. So I’ll try to study untiringly. I decided to get high score of TOIEC next time. Also, I’ll visit to Australia next spring vacation to home stay and study English. I want to try to speak English only there.
Third, I really have good time to talk with my friends. Of course, I talk with not only friends. I like to talk with professor and exchange students. I think they are so good people and have their own character. I have friends who are exchange students. Maybe I have many. But I want to meet more and spend good time with them. In KGU, there are so many people and I like their character and talk with them. I think I am happy to have good friends and professors.
Fourth, KGU has nice systems. For example, there are many computers in the library and buildings. It is very useable and I always use them. In building 14, I can use computer, record my homework and listen to music on the You Tube. In the library, there are so many books. For example, magazine, newspaper, picture book, novel, comic and so on. Also there are many desks to study. ¬¬¬¬I think there is very good space in KGU.
I have comfortable life by these reasons. I like to go KGU and meet my friends and professors. I am a sophomore now so I want to challenge many things and have good experiences.
I think that I have a good life in 25 years from now. But I will not be in university. I think I’ll be working in the future. I think university must be that have really good systems and more comfortable than now. For example, there is big parking area and students can use there free. It is very unusable. Also, in cafeteria, there are many kinds of dishes. For example, they can eat Chinese, French, Japanese, and German and so on. ¬¬¬Of course these dishes are so delicious. I think there is a room to have a relax time. There are massage room and hot springs. It is very comfortable. I sometimes want to spend university life in 25 years from now to have good time.
[649 words]
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Essay: 2-03a : My confortable university life
First, I am majoring in English, so I have many good times for study English. For example, I have language classes like writing, speaking, reading and listening. Specially, I like speaking class because it is so exiting. The teacher talks to us very friendly and kind. We always play some games. I can try to speak English well at this class. Sometimes, we listen to foreign songs. I have good time. Also, I study foreign history and culture on the other classes. They are so interesting. Now, I learn about introduction to literatures. Every thing I heard and saw was new fresh. I’m really exited new things. Of course, there are many kinds of classes in the others and I like them too. I want to study more and I want to be a person who has a lot of knowledge.
Second, I challenge many things. For example, I try to TOEIC, TOEFL, computer proficiency testing and so on. I think that to try these are so good things. I can know my skill and what kinds of abilities are not enough. When I understand my poor ability, I can try to get better. Now my effort is not enough so I can’t get high score. I have to study more and I want to get self-confidence of English. I think that I study English everyday is good way. If there is little time, I have time for study English. So I’ll try to study untiringly. I decided to get high score of TOIEC next time. Also, I’ll visit to Australia next spring vacation to home stay and study English. I want to try to speak English only there.
Third, I really have good time to talk with my friends. Of course, I talk with not only friends. I like to talk with professor and exchange students. I think they are so good people and have their own character. I like their character and talk with them. I think I am happy to have good friends and professors.
Fourth, KGU has nice systems. For example, there are many computers in the library and buildings. It is very useable and I always use them. In building 14, I can use computer, record my homework and listen to music on the You Tube. In the library, there are so many books. For example, magazine, newspaper, picture book, novel, comic and so on. Also there are many desks to study. ¬¬¬¬I think there is very good space in KGU.
I have comfortable life by these reasons. I like to go KGU and meet my friends and professors. I am a sophomore now so I want to challenge many things and have good experiences.
I think that I have a good life in 25 years from now. But I will not be in university. I think I’ll be working in the future. I think university must be that have really good systems and more comfortable than now. For example, there is big parking area and students can use there free. It is very unusable. Also, in cafeteria, there are many kinds of dishes. For example, they can eat Chinese, French, Japanese, and German and so on. ¬¬¬Of course these dishes are so delicious. I think there is a room to have a relax time. There are massage room and hot springs. It is very comfortable. I want to come KGU to have good time.
[610 words]
Free writing: Univ. life in 25 years from now
I think that I have a good life in 25 years from now. But I will not be in university. I think I’ll be working in the future. I think university must be that have really good systems and more comfortable than now. For example, there is big parking area and students can use there free. It is very unusable. Also, in cafeteria, there are many kinds of dishes. For example, they can eat Chinese, French, Japanese, Garman and so on. Of course these dishes are so delicious. I think there is a room to have a relax time. There are massage room and hot springs. It is very comfortable.
[110 words]
Free writing: Univ. life now
I’m really enjoying life in university. I like to come KGU and to meet my friends, professor, exchange student and so on. First, I am majoring in English, so I have many good time for study English. For example, I have language classes like writing, speaking, reading and listening. Also, I study foreign history, culture. They are so interesting. Of course, I like other classes too. Second, I challenge many things. For example, I try to TOEIC, TOEFL, computer proficiency testing and so on. Third, I really have good time to talk with my friends. Of course, I talk with not only friends. I like to talk with professor and exchange students. KGU has nice systems. So I have comfortable life.
[121 words]
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
BR 2-02: The Billy Goats Gruff
I read “The Billy Goats Gruff” last week. I had read this book written in English before. When I was a student, this story was in my textbook. There are three goats and the head of them is so strong. He attacked to gruff monster. When I was a Child and I heard this story, I was really scary. I thought there are monsters under the bridges. Recently, I don’t think so. I wanted to see the monster.
[78 words]
Books: Jane Bingham. (2007), The Billy Goats Gruff London: Usborne Publishing Ltd…
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
BR 2-01: The Three Wishes
[200 words]
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
TypingH: ♥Jakie♥

My favorite Character is Jackie. Jackie is a girl in story, “the bear’s school”. There are 12 bears in the story. They have different faces and good characters. Every bear are so cute in the story. For example, one of the bears has a long ear, the other has a book always, the other is fat etc…Particularly, I really like a bear whose name is Jackie. She is really cute. She is a brown and small. She has a boyfriend. She is an innocent young girl. She and her boyfriend sometimes have a date. They often take a walk, have a lunch and go skating. She is so cute but also the others are cute too. I have some item of the bear’s school. I have transparent files, memo and pocket notebook. My standby screen is their picture too. I love Jackie and her male.
[145 words]
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Essays 2-02b: I want to speak English fluently!!
My brother liked English and he had belong to an English conversation class. So I became a child was interested in English. When I was 9 years old, I went to an English conversation class once a week. The class had few students and with a homey. I really liked to go there because I could play many games. For example, card games, singing songs and working on puzzles. Some times, we had a party. In spring, we held an Easter party. In fall, we held a Halloween party. I could study English with pleasure.
One day, an ALT came to my elementary school. He was Australian and handsome. I talked to him in English and he told me Australian culture and about animals. I was glad to that I could communicate in English. I have really wanted to visit Australia since the day. And I have a good news. I will visit Australia next spring vacation. I am going to go there for one month and I will home stay at a host family. I really glad to go there and I want to try to speak English only on the month. I became like English more and I thought I want to visit other countries.
In 2003, I entranced a junior high school and I began to study serious. There were many students who dislike English, but I like to study English because I was good at English better than others. I thought that I want to speak English well and I want to make friends who are from foreign countries. So I studied hard. I went to a cram school and I results my score more.
When I was a high school student, I watched a lot of foreign movies. I could learn about conversation sentences by watching movies. I noticed a good way to learn English. The way is very easy. I watched one movie three times. First, I watched a dubbed version. The second time, I watched a subtitled version. At last, I watched no subtitled version. I like to watch many kinds of movie. I like movie whatever. My favorite movie is Leon and my favorite foreign drama is Prison Break. I could learn English with pleasures.
Now, I’m majoring English at university and I really like English. I’m interested in other countries and their cultures. I like to communicate with exchange students. I am a staff at English Lounge. I sometimes go to dorm and talk with them. I have a good time at there. I think that the most important ability is speaking. But I can’t speak English smooth and I can’t speak with clear pronunciations. So I want to communicate exchange student more. Studying English is very interesting. I'm looking forward to coming spring vacation and visiting Australia.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Typing H: ♥Izakaya♥
[134 words]
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Typing H: ♥Toilet lotion♥

My favorite toilet lotion is Evita that made in Kanebo company. Evita is known to the general as a good toilet lotion which is good for over fifty-year-old women. I am twenty years old now. But, I usually use it because I need humidity maintenance. My skin is a dry skin. I think that using Evita is very good for me. In winter, everyone’s skins get rough so they need to skin care. I recommend Evita for women who have got rough skin. I think that I will begin to be bothered by her blemishes and wrinkles when I am thirty years old. So now, I really have to skin care. I want to be a beauty woman when I grow old.
[122 words]
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Essays 2-02a: I want to speak English fluently!!

[30 words]
Today, I will introduce my experiences about my English. I like to study English, because I like to speak English. Also, I’m interested in other cultures. I want to be a person who can speak English well.
When I was 9 years old, I went to an English conversation class once a week. The class had few students and with a homey. I really liked to go there because I could play many games. For example, card games, singing songs and working on puzzles. Some times, we had a party. In spring, we held an Easter party. In fall, we held a Halloween party. I could study English with pleasure.
One day, an ALT came to my elementary school. He was Australian and handsome. I talked to him in English and he told me Australian culture and about animals. I was glad to that I could communicate in English. I became like English more and I thought I want to visit other countries.
In 2003, I entranced a junior high school and I began to study serious. There were many students who dislike English, but I like to study English because I was good at English better than others. I thought that I want to speak English well and I want to make friends who are from foreign countries. So I studied hard. I went to a cram school and I results my score more.
When I was a high school student, I watched a lot of foreign movies. I could learn about conversation sentences by watching movies. I noticed a good way to learn English. The way is very easy. I watched one movie three times. First, I watched a dubbed version. The second time, I watched a subtitled version. At last, I watched no subtitled version. I could learn English with pleasures.
Now, I’m majoring English at university and I really like English. I’m interested in other countries and their cultures. I like to communicate with exchange students. I am a staff at English Lounge. I sometimes go to dorm and talk with them. I have a good time at there. I think that the most important ability is speaking. But I can’t speak English smooth and I can’t speak with clear pronunciations. So I want to communicate exchange student more. Studying English is very interesting. [ 388 words]
TypingH: ♥Italian Dishes♥

I like pizza. My favorite pizza is marguerite. I really like it because marguerite is made with much mutterer cheese. I like mutterer cheese better than any other cheese. Pizza marguerite is very famous pizza. I like cheese, tomato and Basils. So I think that to order to marguerite is best order.
I like Italian restaurants and I often go Italian restaurant for dinner. For example, Jolly Pasta, Capriccioza and Pecorino. Jolly Pasta is in front of Kumamoto Gakuen University. There are many kind of pizza and Pasta and the prices are cheep. It is good for student. Capriccioza is in Kamitori in downtown. The prices are expensive for me. But they make very delicious dishes. I like Italian dishes and I like to go restaurants.
[126 words]
Quick post: my language learning experience
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Essay 2-01b: Have you ever gone to Aso??
Aso is a country and there are rich green. The air is very clear and so good. Aso has a lot of hot springs. I like taking it very much. I often go to there and I have good time. I went to there last month I was really relaxed to take a hot spring. The heavens were studded jeweled with stars. I could watch a shooting star then. I was really happy.
My grandmother and grandfather live in Aso. Their house is in Uchinomaki of Aso. I love them and like to go there. I have own car so I can go to there once a month. My grandparents have two cats and two dogs. The cat’s names are Chibi and Momi. The dog’s names are Taro and Bell. Chibi is very clever and so cute. Momi is so shy and he rarely shows. He looks like raccoon. Taro is a slender dog and so powerful. Bell is a Labrador retriever. But he looks like bear and his face is so unattractive face. He has eyebrows. His face and gesture are so charming and I like play with him. He likes to eat and he can eat everything. Last month, I saw that he ate cabbage so I was surprised.
There are a lot of famous foods in Aso. First, I like Takana. Takana is a vegetable that color is green and I often eat it. The famous dish is Takana Pilaf. It is so delicious. Second, I like Noppejiru. It is country dish. My grandmother often makes it for me. I really like it. Noppejiru has a lot of foodstuff so it is good for health. Third, I like dishes prepared from edible wild plants. I want to know how to make them.
When I get stress, I go to Aso to have peace of mind. Spending time at Aso that make me happy. I like there like that I hope go there everyday. I want to that you go to there and you have a good time.
(377 words)
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Typing H: ♥Relax Place♥

Do you have a place where you can relax? If you don’t have any good places, I recommend a hot spring. I often go there to have relaxed time. I like to go there because I can really refresh. I know some places that are good hot spring. For example a hot spring in Aso is so good. In Aso you can dig anywhere and hot spring will gush out. There are many hot springs so I like to go Aso.
A hot spring where is near my hometown is little famous, because you can take a hot spring and you can watch sea. It is so good. The mane is Kusamakura-onsen and it is in the mountain. I really like to go hot spring so I want to go there everyday. But I can’t go there everyday. So I’m looking forward to coming the day that I can go there.
[151 words]
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
I love cats^^ meow !!!
(134 words)
Have you ever been to Aso?
Dagojiru is very delicious
taro, chicken, dried stems of the taro etc… I can get energy to eat it.
The restaurant where I work for part-time job has dish of Dagojiru. It is very popular and the customers love it very much. I hope that a lot of people try to eat it. Now, I want to try to make it at home. I like cooking and I want to be a good cooker like my mother. I’ll try to cook dinner every weekend. My mother must be glad if I do that.
I like fall^^
Essay 2-01a: Have you ever gone to Aso?
Aso is a country and there are rich green. The air is very clear and so good. Aso has a lot of hot springs. I like taking it very much. I often go to there and I have good time. I went to there last month I was really relaxed to take a hot spring. The heavens were studded jeweled with stars. I could watch a shooting star then. I was really happy.
My grandmother and grandfather live in Aso. Their house is in Uchinomaki of Aso. I love them and like to go there. My grandparents have two cats and two dogs. The cat’s names are Chibi and Momi. The dog’s names are Taro and Bell. Chibi is very clever and so cute. Momi is so shy and he rarely shows. He looks like raccoon. Taro is a slender dog and so powerful. Bell is a Labrador retriever. But he looks like bear and his face is so unattractive face. He has eyebrows. His face and gesture are so charming and I like play with him. He likes to eat and he can eat everything. Last month, I saw that he ate cabbage so I was surprised.
There are a lot of famous foods in Aso. First, I like Takana. Takana is a vegetable that color is green and I often eat it. The famous dish is Takana Pilaf. It is so delicious. Second, I like Noppejiru. It is country dish. My grandmother often makes it for me. I really like it. Noppejiru has a lot of foodstuff so it is good for health. Third, I like dishes prepared from edible wild plants. I want to know how to make them.
When I get stress, I go to Aso to have peace of mind. Spending time at Aso that make me happy. I want to go there one on a month. I want to that you go to there and you have a good time.
(362 words)
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Typing homework Topic1:My favorite car
license. I got it when I was freshman. I
went to Sanyo driving school for 9 month. I
wanted to get own car and practice to drive.
One day, I could get own car. My brother
in Kyoto used the car. He didn’t need the
car so he gave me it. I was really glad to get
own car. I practiced to drive many times and
I became good driver. Now, I often go to
somewhere with my car. My car is small and
the color is dark green. The maker is Suzuki.
I like to drive and go to the places that are I
didn’t know ever. Driving a car is very enjoy,
but I have to be careful driving.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Friday, July 16, 2010
BR-11 Androcles and the Lion
I read “Androcles and the Lion” today. Do you know this story? I did not know this before. You should try to read this book when you have times. Because I became like this story and the Lion is so cute.
A long tome ago, there was a man called Androcles and he was so poor. But he was so kind. Androcles warked for a rich man named Brutus. He lived in a big house outside the city of Rome. He made his slaves work hard. Everyday, Androcles scrubbed steps, Mopped floors, made beds, cooked foods, served meals and washed pots. He works so hard, but Brutus never paid him. All Androcles got was one piece of dry bread a day. One night, He decided to run away and he ran into the forest. In the forest, he heard a loud noise from behind a bush. There was an enormous lion. Androclesran ran but the lion didn’t run after him. Androcles was surprised and he went back. The lion needed help and Androcles helped the lion. So the lion became love him. This friendly will be useful for his life in the future. You can know what happened after this if you read this book.
I was surprised at their friendly. They are so good friend. And the lion is so cute and nice. I want to see lions such the lion. I like animals and I want to zoo in summer. I want to watch a lot of amimals. (250words)
Russell Punter. (2008 ). Androcles and the Lion. London: Usborne.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Look back at my busy weeks on first year
On Monday, I have four classes. The third class, I learn the western history of philosophy. It is too difficult for me. When I finish my classes, I often go to the English Lounge with my friends. I meet some foreign students and talk together. I sometimes play games with them and I enjoy spending time with them.
On Tuesday, I have five classes including a spare class. In the space class, I spend time with my friends studying English and German. Also, I always talk with them.
On Wednesday, I have only two classes. I finish the classes by noon, but I have lunch at college. I stay there. One of my friends has a part time job at about 3:00 on Wednesday. We sometimes go to the English Lounge and use the computers. On Wednesday, I always make dinner. I am good at cooking. After dinner, I take a walk for thirty minutes.
On Thursday, I have five classes, including a spare class. In the space class, I study hard alone in the library. I always do my homework at that time.
On Friday, I have four classes. If I finish all the classes, I often go out with my friends. We go to a restaurant for dinner. Also, we sometimes go to a hot spring.
On the weekend, I always have a part time job. I work hard. It makes me tired. Then I have a leisurely bath and go to bed early. I enjoy spending time with my family or my friends on the days without a part time job. My days are very busy. But I spend my time happily. (331words)
SpeakingA-3 Mr. Bean
Mr. Been is sleeping on a bed. An alarm clock goes off to wake up him, but he doesn’t get up. Then, steam blow on his foot to wake up him, but he doesn’t get up. After all, he woke up at 9 o’clock. He sits down on his bed and puts on a pair of slippers. He stands up abruptly and he opens the curtain. After that, he shaves off his mustache by shaver. However problems occurred. He shaves his nostrils by mistake, so he takes off the shaver by scissors. After that, he opens the closet and takes his coat. The coat is hung on a hanger and a sheet of paper is stuck on a hanger. The paper shows him an appointment at the dentist’s. He remembers the appointment. He made an appointment for nine o’clock on the day. He hasten to his car with his nightclothes on.
He goes out of the house in a hurry. He is in front his car, he opens the door and throws his clothes into his car. He picks up a brick and takes on his car. He begins to drive the car and he tries to change his clothes in the car. He takes his pajamas off and changes new one. He drives the car with no hands. He tries to fasten buttons and he seems to cause the accident. He puts the brick on the gas pedal and he moves to a back seat to change his pants. He keeps driving while changing clothes. He tries to put on his socks and he honks the horn. He has the car turn round and round in a rotary. He operates the steering wheel of the car by his mouth, and prepares the tooth polish. He is brushing his teeth while driving. He gargles with the washer fluid. He splashes a man with water that he spit out. There is a blue car in parking space. He pushes the car and he stops his car there. The police woman comes close to there and she finds that his fly is undone. He pulls up the zipper in a hurry and goes to the dentist.
Mr. Bean enters the consultation room and sits down on a dentist’s chair. The nurse puts a bib over him. The back of the dentist’s chair falls down, down and down when he pushes a button. Before the dentist turns around, Mr.Bean reverts to normal position and behaves as if nothing happened. The dentist brings a x-ray, turns on the lights and looks at cavities of Mr. Bean. The dentist cleans Mr. Bean’s mouth with a suction tube and turns his back on the man again. Then, Mr. Bean takes it and uses it, puts his cheek and mouth. He tries to clean his jacket with it. After that, he sucks something to drink on the board. The dentist returns to him, so Mr. Bean is in a flurry. Next, Mr. Bean is given an anesthesia injection and takes it while the dentist doesn’t look him. Mr. Bean hides the injection in a flurry because the dentist returns to him. He behaves as if nothing happens. When the dentist touches the cavities to treat, Mr. Bean reacts and pricks a leg of the dentist with the injection. The dentist can’t stand and leans a pole. Then the pole falls down and he loses consciousness under the pole. Mr. Bean looks at his watch and begins to treat himself. First of all, he confirms the position of the cavities. Second, he treats and fills fillings. Then he looks at the x-ray and wonders the reverse may be true. He reverses the x-ray. And then he tries to treat his cavities. When his treatment finishes, he wonder the x-ray is upside down. His mind is mixed up, so he treats all his teeth. Then his jaws stuck together. He is flurried. He is surprises at the dentist’s getting up and his jaws separate. Mr. Bean gets off the dentist’s chair and goes out contentedly. The dentist looks completely exhausted. (684words)
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
BR-13 Helen Keller

I read “Helen Keller”. Do you know her? She is so famous person. If you don’t know about her, you should know. I have known her since I was 10years old. I read a book witch was written about her. I was surprised and I respect her.
Five-year-old Helen Keller lived in a world of silence and darkness. Deaf and blind, Helen used simple hand movements to ask for her mother or food. However she couldn’t always tell people what she wanted. Her mother, Kate and her father, Arthur Keller thought about how they could possibly help their daughter. One day, Anne Sullivan came to the Keller’s house. The next day, Anne gave Helen a doll. Anne began to teach Helen. Meanwhile, Helen continued to misbehave. Anne knew the Keller disliked the way she made Helen obey, any told them a change was needed. Anne could finally teach her without Helen’s parents around. Teacher kept spelling words into her hands and she struggled to understand what the words meant. After that, Helen wanted to learn words more. She learned a lot of words and she had experienced a lots. She could become as same as a normal parson. She became very famous woman.
How do you think about her? She makes us happy. This story is good for children and the others. When I heard this story, I decided to study more. I’m majoring in English so I have to study it harder. I want to speak English well and I want to make a lot of friends who are foreign students.
(262 words)
Scott R. Welvaert. (2006). Helen Keller. Minnesota: Usborne.
BR-12 There Was A Crooked Man

Today, I read “There Was A Crooked Man” Do you know this story? I have never read this book before. This story is good for children. I like this pictures and this crooked man.
There was a crooked man and he walked a crooked mile. He found
a crooked sixpence upon a crooked stile. He bought a crooked cat and it caught a crooked mouse. They all lived together in a little crooked house. One day, crooked man was so hungry so he
cooked a crooked fish. His cat could smell it and she snatched it off the dish. The crooked man was angry and he chased cat outside. But he couldn’t see her anywhere. In the meanwhile she found a place to hide. The man smelled something fishy and he followed it. He across his crooked garden and into his crooked shed. There upon a sack and snuggled up against each other were thirteen hungry kittens and their kind but crooked mother.

Actually, The crooked cat
has a lot of children. And She took off the fish for them. I thought she is kind. This story is i
because there were many crooked characters. It’s funny.
Russell Punter. (2009).There Was A Crooked Man . London: Usborne.
SpeakingA-2 Mr.Bean
A man is sleeping on a bed. An alarm clock go off to wake up him, but he doesn’t get up. Then, water splash on his foot to wake up him, but he doesn’t get up. After all, he wakes up at 9 o’clock. He stands up abruptly and he opens the curtain. After that, he shaves off his mustache by shaver. However problems occurred. A shaver stuck to his nose, so he takes off the shaver by scissors. After that, he opens the closet and takes his coat. The coat is hung on a hanger and a sheet of paper is stuck on a hanger. The paper shows him an appointment at the dentist’s. He remembers the appointment. He makes an appointment for nine o’clock on the day. He hastens to his car with his nightclothes on.
He goes out of the house in a hurry. He picks up a brick and gets on his car. He begins to drive the car and he try to change his clothes in the car. He takes off the shirt that he is wearing and wears new one. He drives the car without hand. He tries to fasten buttons and he seems to cause the accident. He puts the brick on the gas pedal and he moves to a back seat to change his pants. He keeps driving while changing clothes. He tries to wear his socks and he honks the horn. He has the car turn round and round in the rotary. He operates the steering wheel of the car by his mouth, and prepares the tooth polish. He is brushing his teeth with driving. He gargles with the washer fluid. He splashes a man with water that he spit out. There is a blue car in parking lot. He removes the car and he stops his car there. A police comes close to there and she finds that his fly is undone. He pulls up the zipper in a hurry and go to the dentist.
The man enters the consultation room and lies down on a dentist’s chair. The back of the dentist’s chair falls down, down and down when he pushes a button. While the dentist turns his back on the man, the man reverts to normal position and behaves as if nothing happened. The dentist brings x-ray and looks at cavity of the man. The dentist sucks saliva with a suction tube and turns his back on the man again. Then, the man takes it and uses it. He tries to suck dust on his shoulder with it. The dentist returns to him and doubts him. Next, the man is given an anesthesia injection and takes an injection while the dentist doesn’t look him. The man hides the injection in a flurry because the dentist returns to him. He behaves as if nothing happens. When the dentist touches the cavity to treat, the man reacts and pricks a leg of the dentist with the injection. The dentist falls flat on his back because of the pain and sleeps. The man looks at his watch and begins to treat by himself. First of all, he confirms the position of the cavity. Second, he treats and fills a filling. Then he looks at the x-ray and wonders the reverse is true. He reverses the x-ray. And then he tries to treat his cavity. When his treatment finishes, he wonder the x-ray is upside down. His mind is mixed up, so he treats all his teeth. Then his jaws stuck together. He is flurried. He is surprises at the dentist’s getting up and his jaws revert to its former state. The man gets off the dentist’s chair and goes out contentedly. The dentist looks completely exhausted. (627 words)
Sunday, June 27, 2010
SpeakingA about Mr. Bean
He goes out of the house in a hurry. He picks up a brick and gets on his car. He begins to drive the car and he try to change his clothes in the car. He takes off the shirt that he is wearing and wears new one. He drives the car without hand. He tries to fasten buttons and he seems to cause the accident. He puts the brick on the gas pedal and he moves to a back seat to change his pants. He keeps driving while changing clothes. He tries to wear his socks and he honks the horn. He has the car turn round and round in the rotary. He operates the steering wheel of the car by his mouth, and prepares the tooth polish. He is brushing his teeth with driving. He gargles with the washer fluid. He splashes a man with water that he spit out. There is a blue car in parking lot. He removes the car and he stops his car there. A police comes close to there and she finds that his fly is undone. He pulls up the zipper in a hurry and go to the dentist. (199 words)
Do you like "Tsuyu"?♥
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
About voice recording
It was too long for me. It took about 4 minutes. My voice was little so I'll try to recording with my large voice next time. I want to be a person who can speak English with clear articulation.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
I want to study abroad ♥

I want to study abroad and there are good reasons. First of all, I have a dream to be an English teacher. I want to tell the students that leaning English is interesting. I hope to they have a field of vision so I need to learn English more and have a clear articulation. I want to experience a variety of things.
Second, I interested in other cultures and I want to experience firsthand. In Japan, I can learn that how are the other cultures, how ideology they have and how country it is. But these aren’t my experiences. I want to feel that by myself.
Third, I want to meet changed me and want to challenge it. This chance to study abroad is the best that I challenge it now. It takes a lot of time and money, but it has worth. I want to try to study abroad for a year because I can feel both good and bad of the country.
I am taking education classes so if I study abroad, I may be not able to graduation in fourth year. However I want to try it and it must be become a treasure of my life.
(208 words)
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Essay 1-01c: Voice Message to my dear host family
My recording is too long, Thank you for your listening♥
If you have any questions, Please ask me.(38words)
Monday, June 7, 2010
BR-10 The Baobab Tree

Hello, I read “The Baobab Tree” today. This story is so interesting and good. This story is about a talking tree and some angry African gods. The tree could talk so I was surprised.
A long, long, long, time ago, the gods made the word. One day, they made a talking tree. They called it the Baobab tree. The Baobab tree talked a lot. He was so talkative. The gods grew a forest of tall trees. But the Baobab tree was fed up about it. The gods made trees with flowers but the Baobab didn’t have any flower. He was even more fed up. The gods said “Stop moaning!” but he didn’t stop. So the gods was angry, and they grabbed Baobab tree and turned it upside down. His head was in the ground and he couldn’t open his mouth to talk. No one has ever heard the Baobab tree say another word.
This story is based on a South African tale about a tree known as the baobab. People came up with stories to explain its strange shape. I was surprised at hear this story because really there were tree in South Africa. I want to see it someday.
(200 words)
Louie, Stowell. The Baobab Tree. London: Usborne, 2009.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
BR-09 Stories of Mermaids

I read “Stories of Mermaid”. This story is very famous and interesting. But they may don’t know all stories of it. There are three stories.
One of the stories, Harmony lived with her mother at the very bottom of the ocean. They were so poor they could only afford a tiny cave. This was cramped, dark and very cold. It froze their fins and took the shine off their scales. Harmony tried to keep up their sprits by singing beautiful songs. Her voice was so enchanting that passing fish had to stop and listen. One day, her mother woke up shivering all over. She was covered in blue spots and her tongue had turned purple. Harmony rushed to find Dr. Finley. The Doctor said “he is very sick”. And he told Harmony that there are good medicines of seaweed. She found out the seaweed, but there was ghost of pirate. She was taken by the ghost. But one day, she was singing songs and the ghost opens her. She could give the seaweed and chest to mother. Polkadot weed floated out, along with handfuls of coins. Harmony’ s mother was cures and they moved into a warm and cosy now cave.
It is good that she have good voice. I want to be rich like them. ^^
(217 words)
Russell Punter. (2005). Stories of Marmaids. London: Usborne
My other classes.
(154 words)
Friday, May 21, 2010
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Essay 1-02b; Hollywood stars
Johnny Depp’s birth name is John Christopher Depp and his nicknames are Mr Stench and Colonel. He was born in Owensboro, Kentucky, on June 9, 1963. Johnny Depp was raised in Florida. He dropped out of school at age 15 in the hopes of becoming a rock musician. In 1987, he shot to stardom when he replaced Jeff Yagher in the role of undercover cop Tommy Hanson in the popular TV series "21 Jump Street" (1987). Three years later, his first of a handful of great collaborations with director Tim Burton came about when Depp played the title role in "Edward Scissorhands"(1990). He became popular with “Pirates of the Caribbean”, and he was not only actor but also librettist and director in the “Brave” (1997). His wife is Vanessa Paradis who is French and singer. His famous firms are “Sleepy Hollow” (1999), “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” (2005) and Pirates of the Caribbean series.
Wentworth Miller is a famous actor. His birth name is Wentworth Earl Miller Ⅲand his nickname are Stinky, Went and Miller. He was born in England and he raises in Brooklyn, New York, and graduate of Princeton University. He had worked at a production company before he became the actor. He has many allergies about foods, dogs and cats. In 1995, he went to LA to be an actor. His first head the cast of a film is “Dinotopia” and he played Daybed who is sensitive and internal. After that he played minor roles. In 2003, he played on “The Human Stain”. Two years later, he played Michael Scofield in “Prison Break”. The dramas are very popular and exciting. He has two nationalities that are America and England.
The famous movie that Johnny Depp played is "Sleepy Hollow" It is Gothic movie and he is so handsome. And I like "Dark Angel" that Jessica played. It is very exciting drama. I like these Hollywood stars and I like Orlando Bloom too. Don't you know that he is so handsome. Of course I want to see them someday.
Could you know about them? Please try to watch their dramas and movies. It must be interesting and exciting for you. If you watch them, Please tell me your feelings. I hope this essay become a start to watch them. Thank you.
(687 words)
n,n . (1990-2010). Jessica Alba. The internet Movie Database. Retrieved 18 May, 2010, from
n.n. (1990-2010). Johnny Depp. The internet Movie Database. Retrieved 18 May, 2010, from
n.n. (1990-2010). Wentworth Miller. The internet Movie Database. Retrieve 18 May, 2010, from
Monday, May 17, 2010
Essay 1-02a; Hollywood stars

Johnny Depp’s birth name is John Christopher Depp and his nicknames are Mr Stench and Colonel. He was born in Owensboro, Kentucky, on June 9, 1963. Johnny Depp was raised in Florida. He dropped out of school at age 15 in the hopes of becoming a rock musician. In 1987, he shot to stardom when he replaced Jeff Yagher in the role of undercover cop Tommy Hanson in the popular TV series "21 Jump Street" (1987). Three years later, his first of a handful of great collaborations with director Tim Burton came about when Depp played the title role in "Edward Scissorhands"(1990). He became popular with “Pirates of the Caribbean”, and he was not only actor but also librettist and director in the “Brave” (1997). His wife is Vanessa Paradis who is French and singer. His famous firms are “Sleepy Hollow” (1999), “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” (2005) and Pirates of the Caribbean series.
Wentworth Miller is a famous actor. His birth name is Wentworth Earl Miller Ⅲ and his nickname are Stinky, Went and Miller. He was born in England and he raises in Brooklyn, New York, and graduate of Princeton University. He had worked at a production company before he became the actor. He has many allergies about foods, dogs and cats. In 1995, he went to LA to be an actor. His first head the cast of a film is “Dinotopia” and he played Daybed who is sensitive and internal. After that he played minor roles. In 2003, he played on “The Human Stain”. Two years later, he played Michael Scofield in “Prison Break”. The dramas are very popular and exciting. He has two nationalities that are America and England.
Could you know about them? Please try to watch their dramas and movies. It must be interesting and exciting for you. If you watch them, Please tell me your feelings. I hope this essay become a start to watch them. Thank you.
(628 words)
BR-08 The Tortoise and the Eagle

Today, I read “The Tortoise and the Eagle”. The pictures are so cute. I like this story. The story is about a tortoise. He had everything a tortoise could want. He had a lovely log to sit on, juicy apples to eat and a very shiny shell. But he was not happy. All day long, he saw an eagle in the sky. The eagle had golden feathers and great big wings. The tortoise wanted to fly like the eagle so he tried to fly. He climbed onto a rock and jumped into the air. But he couldn’t and He flopped on to his belly. He tried to fly many times, but he couldn’t. One day, he called the eagle and he said the eagle “I want to fly like you.” The eagle took the tortoise into the sky. However, the tortoise felt very dizzy. He didn’t like it. The eagle said him “ You have no feathers and no winds. Keep your apples and your log. Be happy.” The tortoise thought I like this life style.
(176 words)
★Hollywood stars: Search terms and short list of possible sites
Jessica Alba, Johnny Depp, Wentworth Miller
Short list of possible sites
Jessica Alba
Johnny Depp
Wentworth Miller
(13 words)
★Outline for Essay 1-02a: Hollywood stars
- What sites are about; Hollywood stars
- How I found them; searched for Hollywood stars
Jessica Alba, Johnny Depp, Wentworth Miller - Why I choose the one(s) I did;
I like foreign movies and dramas.
I like Jessica Alba, Johnny Depp and Wentworth Miller .
So, I want to know about them.
Jessica Alba
- birth
- Movies, Dramas
- career
Johnny Depp
- birth
- Movies
- career
Wentworth Miller
- birth
- Dramas
- career
- history
- job
- Recommendations to readers
★ Hollywood Star: Free-Writing
★ America: Brainstorm
Jessica Alba
(12 words)
Friday, May 14, 2010
How I study English
First of all, I read books which are written in English everyday. It is too important for me because I can’t read a long sentence quickly.
Second, I often watch the foreign drama. At first time, I watch them with Japanese subtitles and English sounds. At next time, I watch them with English subtitles and English sounds. It’s good practice for listening.
Third, I am a staff at English Lounge. I often talk with foreign students. It is the best way to make progress in speaking. (121 words)
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Monday, May 10, 2010
BR-07 Jack and the Beanstalk

I read "Jack and the Beanstalk" yesterday. The story was very interesting. I like this story. The boy is very brave, and he ventures a long time. His name is Jack. The beginning, he was very, very hungry and very poor. But the end, he became very rich.
When I have children, I want to tell this story.
(58 words)
Katie Daynes. (2006). Jack and the beanstalk. england:Usborne
Friday, May 7, 2010
Thursday, May 6, 2010
During the Golden Week!!
BR-06 The Clever Rabbit and The Lion

I read “The Clever Rabbit and the Lion”. I didn’t know this story before and I was surprised at the rabbit that face was like human. There are eyebrows on the face. It was funny!! I’ll tell you about the story. There are a clever rabbit and a lion. The lion is very atrocious and he tries to eat the other animals. But the clever rabbit thinks out countermeasures and the rabbit (72 words)
Susanna Davidson. (2007).The Clever Rabbit and The Lion. Usborne:London
BR-05 The Gingerbread Man

I read “The Gingerbread Man”. The story is about a little old, a little old man, a gingerbread man, a horse, a cow, a farmer, some children and a fox. Once upon a time, a little old woman and a little old man lived on a farm. Most of the time, they were happy but one things made them sad. They had no children. So the old woman made a boy out of gingerbread. The gingerbread man jumped out and ran away. He looked good and they tried to eat him. But he ran away!! At finally, he was eaten by the fox. (103 words)
Mari Mackinnon. (2006).The Gungerbread Man.London:Usborne.
Sunday, May 2, 2010
I like watermelons because it is so juicy and sweet. I can eat it a lot. One day, I ate a watermelon that was half a hole!! I love it so that one could even say I want to eat it every day!^^ I'm looking forward to coming Summer. I like blueberry too. My grandmother's house is in Aso, and there are trees of blueberry!! Every year, I go to there and do blueberry picking♥. It is sweet-and-sour. I love it!!
( 84words )
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
1-01b Dear host family
My name is Yukari. I’m 19 years old. I was born in Kumamoto. There are four people in my family. My parent’s names are Masanori and Yumi, and my brother’s name is Kazuki. My father is a banker, and he doesn’t live in my house because his job. He lives in Ashikita now. He comes buck to my house every weekend. My brother lives in Kyoto and has been there for five years. He is a student at Kyoto University. He is very smart and funny. I respect him. My mother and I live in Kumamoto now. My mother is good at cooking. I have good time with her.
I’ll introduce my hometown, Jyozan. Jyozan, is a beautiful and quiet place. Jyozan is a beautiful city that is surrounded by fields and mountains. Jyozan is covered with rich greenery. In the evening, the western skies are aglow with the setting sun. At night, I can watch a lot of stars in the sky. Jyozan is in the country, so it is very quiet. I can listen to the sounds of bells ringing in the fall. I can relax to there. I love my city and the people.
I have a lot of hobbies. Traveling is one of my hobbies. Last summer, I went to Kagoshima with my friend. I had a good time at there. I made a plan to go to Kyoto in this year. Kyoto is a symbol place of Japanese culture. There are a lot of sightseeing places. I want to go Korean someday too. I want to travel not only all over Japan but also all over the world. My other hobbies are cooking and eating. I like cooking as well as eating. My favorite fruits are watermelon and blueberry. I can eat them a lot because I love. I like blueberry bagel. I often buy it at bakery in my university. My favorite restaurants are Mugiya and Asopalav. I take instruction of cooking from my mother. I want to be a person who can cook various dishes. For example Italian, Western, Chinese and Japanese. If I have an opportunity to make dishes for you, I’ll make the local cuisines of Kumamoto. I like to eat and I am not fussy about food at all. I want to try many dishes of the foreign countries.
I have a dream to be a teacher. I want to teach English for children and tell them that English is very interesting. I want to teach them from my experience, so I have to have wide experience. I will learn a lot of things and enjoy studying English.
I’m very glad to stay at your house and I’m looking forward to meet you.
(453 words)